Tuesday, December 28, 2010

PREACH!.. Where..How..To Whom???

Where Should the Gospel be Preached? How?, to Whom?……

Matthew  24:14 says, “And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.”

I.                        A Specific Gospel “This gospel…” . The Gospel of the Kingdom.  As Paul stated in Galatians that there are others. (Gal 1: ff).

II.                     A Specific Means “Preached”. Proclaimed, i.e. clearly communicated (linguistically, culturally, Etc. ) For communication to occur the message must be received and understood. This says nothing of the response. It may be accepted or rejected

                    A Specific Location is mentioned, in “all the world”. This should be taken to be exactly this; ALL the world.  Every geographical location. Not just parts of India, parts of China, even parts of Brazil. Every geographical location.  Geography was mentioned in Acts 1:8 Jerusalem, Judea, unto the uttermost parts of the earth. This is geography.

                   A Specific Audience, “all Nations" (peoples) ”Every person [and People(s)] must have the opportunity to hear, understand, and respond to the Gospel. No exceptions, no qualifiers, no excuses.

Basically, Every Person and every people, in every place, by every means must have every opportunity to Hear, Understand and Respond to the Gospel. 

I Corinthians 9:22 “To the weak I became weak, that I might win the weak; I have become all things to all men, so that I may by all means save some.

And then the end will come
         … is this the end of the world?, or the end of our mission.? Time will define this.  But, until we must clearly communicate This Gospel  to reach every person in every people group in every geographic location using every possible means. we still have much to do.

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