Tuesday, December 28, 2010



Some Kisses are hard to forget
Some Kisses we try to for get.
Some Kisses we never forget

Jill tells her husband, "Jack, that young couple that just moved in next door seem such a loving twosome. Every morning, when he leaves the house, he kisses her goodbye, and every evening when he comes homes, he brings her a dozen roses and kisses her again. Now, why can't you do that?" "Gosh," Jack says, "why I hardly know the girl!"

       The "Kiss" was very popular in the Scriptures for various situations and had various meanings. 

      "Kiss" translates 2 Hebrew and 3 Greek words; the basic Hebrew term is found 32 times, basic Greek 7 times.

  In the OT close relatives kissed at greeting and departing (Gen. 27:26–27; 29:11; 50:1; Exod. 18:7; 1 Sam. 10:1; Ruth 1:9). was further used of the gesture of reverence to idols (1 Kings 19:18; Hos. 13:2) as well as to the Lord (Ps. 2:12). A kiss of betrayal (2 Sam. 20:9).  “Kiss” in the NT is used of Judas (Mark 14:44–45), the father to the prodigal as a sign of acceptance and reconciliation (Luke 15:20), the Ephesian elders to Paul as a sign of gratitude (Acts 20:37), the woman who kissed the feet of Jesus in worship (Luke 7:38), and the “holy kiss” (1 Thess. 5:26; 1 Cor. 16:20; 2 Cor. 13:12; Rom. 16:16).

Wow, that is a lot of Kissing! But, how do you rate a kiss? What really matters in kissing? For Technique you will need to see www.wikihow.com/kiss . But, how does a Christian get an 'A' in kissing.  Getting an "A" in Kissing is more about your Motive than your Mouth, your Purpose than your Pucker, your Love than your Lips. 
"Let us not love in Word, nor in tongue, but in deed and truth", I John 3:18. Let's get busy, their is much "work" to do!

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