Monday, December 27, 2010


    " One this one thing I do,  forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forth unto those things which are before."  Philippians 3:13

The end of another year. The beginning of a New Challenge. Here are three Important truths as we enter a new year ...

1. Maintain a Clear Focus...."one thing I do"... Too many Goals make nothing a priority. Decide the "one thing" that matters most. Do it!

2. Get Past your Past..."forgetting those things which are behind".... If you fail..Get over it! Learn to Fail Fast.. and get back in the game. The sooner you "rebound" and get the ball back, the sooner you will make a goal. Do it Right!

3. Keep moving Forward.... "reaching forth unto things which are before."... inch by inch anything is a Cinch. Every step brings you closer.. or farther away.  What are you doing right now that will move you closer to your Goal? What are you willing to do? When will you begin? Do it Now!

     As you are looking at the fishbowl of your life, dreaming of what could be. Change the Game! Remember...... Nothing Changes if Nothing Changes!

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