Thursday, December 30, 2010


     Every year in the city of Salvador Bahia Brazil during Carnival ( Mardi Gras) approximately 2million people come into the city for a 5-6 day street Carnival. Music, dancing, drinking, and most anything else you can imagine continues almost non-stop. "Trio-electricos"( sound trucks the size if a Tractor-trailer rig with a stage on the top) pass one after the other followed by thousands of followers drinking and dancing. It never stops!
      This is where the fun begins. Teams of volunteers that work out of area churches spend 10-15 hours every night (3PM - 5AM) doing street evangelism. Music, Florescent Paint talks, drama groups, Etc work together to present Jesus to thousands who would never enter a church.
      We begin with a numbers game to get a crowd. Then an Illustrated Message of the Cross with an invitation. Then our "counselors" work one-on-one to lead to a decision. Each "inquirer" receives a packet with a tract, contact card, mail-back card for a free Bible or video, list of churches, Etc. Every name is processed and made available to any church that wants it.
      It is amazing how many begin to watch the presentation as hecklers and end up with tear filled eyes praying to receive Christ. It is amazing that the simple message of "The Cross" can still change any person, any time, any where. That is because there is not any person, any where that does not need Jesus.

Here is why...
1. We were Created to have intimacy with God. (John 1:12/John 10:10)
2. We lost that intimacy by disobedience (Sin). This sin created a barrier between Us and God. (Romans 3:23/ Romans 6:23)
3. We can not get through the Sin-Barrier by Righteous Acts, the Religious Arts, or Rational Acrobatics. You just can't Un-Sin. (Rom 5:8)
4. Christ did what we could not do. He died on a cross and Paid in full our Sin-penalty. He Arose from the grave and He is alive now and is ready to actually forgive you. (Romans 10:9-10)

How do you do this? It is as easy as A,B,C
A-Agree with God that you have sinned. (I John 1:9)
B-Believe that Jesus Christ can and will save you (Romans 10:9-10)
C-Confess Jesus as your Lord and Savior for now and all eternity. (Romans 10:13)

In doing this you are turning away from trusting in your self or anything else and turning to Jesus alone for salvation. This is called Repentance. ( Luke 13:3.5, ROmans 10:9-10)

     Now there is a reason to Party!


"The Integrity of the upright shall guide them: but the perverseness of transgressors shall destroy them." Prov. 11:3

Who comes to your mind when someone mentions "Integrity"? Better yet, What is "Integrity"? Did you know there is a difference between "Character" ( Integrity) and "Reputation"? Dwight L. Moody says that "character is what a man is when no one is looking" Most folks don't know the difference between the two. Character is more important than Reputation. Someone else can ruin your reputation but only you can ruin your character.

The word "Integrity" comes from the same word as "Integer". If you remember from Math class. An Integer is a whole number with no fractions, decimals, "untouched"not divided.[ i.e. "A person that is "One" in what he thinks, says and does.".]

Integrity actually involves three integrated steps.
1. Discerning the Truth - Know what is Right and what is Wrong
2. Doing the Truth - Do what is Right based on discernment even at personal cost, hurt, or lack of a following.
3. Declaring the Truth - Taking a stand to speak the truth based on what is right not what is popular, convenient, or what someone wants to hear.

For a great picture of Integrity, check out Psalm 15. Take your time. Read it slowly, and reflective. It is a great place to start!


On the table side by side
The Holy Bible and the T.V. Guide.
One is well worn, yet cherished with pride,
But that one is not the Bible, it's the T.V. Guide.
One is used daily to help folks decide, No! it isn't the Bible, it's the T.V. Guide.
As the pages are turned what shall they see? Oh! it doesn't matter, just turn on the T.V.
Then confusion is started, for they can't all agree On what they shall watch on the old T.V.
So they refer to the book in which they all confide, But it isn't the Bible, it's the T.V. Guide.
The Word of God is seldom read.Maybe a verse before they fall into bed.
Exhausted and sleepy and tired as can be,Not from reading the Bible, but from watching T.V.
Then back to the table side by side,The Holy Bible and the T.V. Guide.
No time for prayer, No time for the Word.The plan of salvation is seldom heard.
Forgiveness of sin so full and free We find in the Bible and not on T.V.
(This Poem was written by an Unknown Author. )


In the Scripture, some things are crystal clear. The direct commands are hard to miss. There are other issues that are not so direct. Here we use the Principles the scripture teaches to make Right decisions.

For Example: Is it right or wrong to ....
1. Drink Whiskey, Beer, Coffee, Tea (extra sweet), water.....
2. Kiss my Mother, Wife, Girlfriend, Your Girlfriend, my dog, another guy ( that is a no!)....
3. Sleep at home at night, during work hours, while driving, during a church service.....
4. Buy the best____...  5. Go in Debt... 6. Eat___.... 7. Your Question.....

Put it to the test......Is it Right/Wrong?

Source of Chart: "Anybody Here Know Right from Wrong", Bill Stearns, 1976 SunPower Youth Publications, 
ISBN-10  0882077244 ;  ISBN-13   9780882077246  
Is it Right or Wrong to …..

Heb. 12:1
EXCESS: It doesn't slow me down spiritualy

I Cor. 6:12
EXPEDIENCE: It can be profitable, useful

1 Cor. 6:12
ENSLAVEMENT: I can be Spirit Controlled in this

Rom. 14:13
EXAMPLE:It can allow me to be a good example

Col. 4:5
EVANGELISM: It can help spread the Gospel

1 Cor. 10:23
EDIFICATION: It can help other Christians

1 Cor. 10:31
EXALTATION: It can Glorify God

1 John 2:6
EMULATION: I can imitate Christ in this

Lev. 19:18
REVENGE: It has nothing to do with Avenging myself

Matt 18:21-22
FORGIVENESS: I can demonstrate forgiveness in this

Luke 12:37-48
STEWARDSHIP: I can be a good steward in this

Rom 12:2
CONFORMITY: This won't conform me to the world

Rom 12:10
PREFERENCE: I can put others before me in this

Rom 12:18
PEACE: I can maintain Peace with others in this

Rom 13:1
SUBJECTION: I can show my subjection ot authority

Gal 6:10
GOODNESS: I can show goodness to others in this

1 Cor 6:19
BODY: Does this harm God's temple in any way

2 Cor 6:14
YOKE: This won't bind me to unbelievers

1 Thess5:22
APPEARANCE: I am free from evil apprarance in this

2 Tim 2:22
LUST: I am free from any chance to lust in this


Tuesday, December 28, 2010

PREACH!.. Where..How..To Whom???

Where Should the Gospel be Preached? How?, to Whom?……

Matthew  24:14 says, “And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.”

I.                        A Specific Gospel “This gospel…” . The Gospel of the Kingdom.  As Paul stated in Galatians that there are others. (Gal 1: ff).

II.                     A Specific Means “Preached”. Proclaimed, i.e. clearly communicated (linguistically, culturally, Etc. ) For communication to occur the message must be received and understood. This says nothing of the response. It may be accepted or rejected

                    A Specific Location is mentioned, in “all the world”. This should be taken to be exactly this; ALL the world.  Every geographical location. Not just parts of India, parts of China, even parts of Brazil. Every geographical location.  Geography was mentioned in Acts 1:8 Jerusalem, Judea, unto the uttermost parts of the earth. This is geography.

                   A Specific Audience, “all Nations" (peoples) ”Every person [and People(s)] must have the opportunity to hear, understand, and respond to the Gospel. No exceptions, no qualifiers, no excuses.

Basically, Every Person and every people, in every place, by every means must have every opportunity to Hear, Understand and Respond to the Gospel. 

I Corinthians 9:22 “To the weak I became weak, that I might win the weak; I have become all things to all men, so that I may by all means save some.

And then the end will come
         … is this the end of the world?, or the end of our mission.? Time will define this.  But, until we must clearly communicate This Gospel  to reach every person in every people group in every geographic location using every possible means. we still have much to do.



Some Kisses are hard to forget
Some Kisses we try to for get.
Some Kisses we never forget

Jill tells her husband, "Jack, that young couple that just moved in next door seem such a loving twosome. Every morning, when he leaves the house, he kisses her goodbye, and every evening when he comes homes, he brings her a dozen roses and kisses her again. Now, why can't you do that?" "Gosh," Jack says, "why I hardly know the girl!"

       The "Kiss" was very popular in the Scriptures for various situations and had various meanings. 

      "Kiss" translates 2 Hebrew and 3 Greek words; the basic Hebrew term is found 32 times, basic Greek 7 times.

  In the OT close relatives kissed at greeting and departing (Gen. 27:26–27; 29:11; 50:1; Exod. 18:7; 1 Sam. 10:1; Ruth 1:9). was further used of the gesture of reverence to idols (1 Kings 19:18; Hos. 13:2) as well as to the Lord (Ps. 2:12). A kiss of betrayal (2 Sam. 20:9).  “Kiss” in the NT is used of Judas (Mark 14:44–45), the father to the prodigal as a sign of acceptance and reconciliation (Luke 15:20), the Ephesian elders to Paul as a sign of gratitude (Acts 20:37), the woman who kissed the feet of Jesus in worship (Luke 7:38), and the “holy kiss” (1 Thess. 5:26; 1 Cor. 16:20; 2 Cor. 13:12; Rom. 16:16).

Wow, that is a lot of Kissing! But, how do you rate a kiss? What really matters in kissing? For Technique you will need to see . But, how does a Christian get an 'A' in kissing.  Getting an "A" in Kissing is more about your Motive than your Mouth, your Purpose than your Pucker, your Love than your Lips. 
"Let us not love in Word, nor in tongue, but in deed and truth", I John 3:18. Let's get busy, their is much "work" to do!

Monday, December 27, 2010


    " One this one thing I do,  forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forth unto those things which are before."  Philippians 3:13

The end of another year. The beginning of a New Challenge. Here are three Important truths as we enter a new year ...

1. Maintain a Clear Focus...."one thing I do"... Too many Goals make nothing a priority. Decide the "one thing" that matters most. Do it!

2. Get Past your Past..."forgetting those things which are behind".... If you fail..Get over it! Learn to Fail Fast.. and get back in the game. The sooner you "rebound" and get the ball back, the sooner you will make a goal. Do it Right!

3. Keep moving Forward.... "reaching forth unto things which are before."... inch by inch anything is a Cinch. Every step brings you closer.. or farther away.  What are you doing right now that will move you closer to your Goal? What are you willing to do? When will you begin? Do it Now!

     As you are looking at the fishbowl of your life, dreaming of what could be. Change the Game! Remember...... Nothing Changes if Nothing Changes!