All along the northeastern coastal region of Brazil there are hundreds of remote fishing villages. Many of these are only accessible by boat and some a long walk in mud or shallow waters depending on the tide. These tiny communities live in simple conditions, depend on fishing, fruits, and raising Dende to make a Brazilian cooking oil. Many of these families have little health care and infrequent contact with cities and their conveniences.

American Volunteers working with IMB missionaries and a Brazilian Mission called MEAP ( Missão Evanlgélica de Assestência aos Pescadores) have provided medical clinics in many of these remote areas. The Medical boat, complete with examining room and dental equipment has been used all across the northeast of Brazil. Teams Leaders like
Kenneth and Donna Winchester from Slaton Texas return yearly with trained medical and evangelism teams to work tirelessly in a new community each day. These committed volunteer teams have opened many doors for the gospel and planting of many churches in these remote areas.

Donna (dentist) has been asked many times by folks in these communities, "
Why are you doing this?" Donna does not hesitate to explain that God's amazing love shown in Jesus Christ's death on the cross has changed her life. That same Jesus died for them also. "
The physical needs are overwhelming, even more, the need to hear of God's eternal salvation" says Donna.

Evangelism teams Share the gospel with those waiting for medical attention, areas schools, home visits, and with fishermen as they work on their boats or are cleaning their nets. As Jesus challenges those first disciples to leave it all and follow him, these volunteers present to same challenge to follow Jesus.
God uses volunteers for this type of fishing. God uses fish in reaching volunteers.
Jonah in the Old Testament was a Short Term Volunteer with a Bad attitude. God used him in a powerful way. What will God need to do to get your attention. Pray about being a "Fisher of men" where God has placed you today.
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