Saturday, January 29, 2011

Evangelism vs Discipleship

        It is interesting how many Christians think that all we need to do is “gittem saved”.  No thought on “making disciples”. Interesting that we are never told to just “gittem saved”. The Great Commission in Matt 28:18-20 is “make disciples”. Here are the facts.

     Evangelism only . If we could lead 3,000 a day to Jesus Christ, a day of Pentecost every day, how long would to take to win the 6.7 billion people in the world to Christ? Would you believe 6,119 years. That is no day off, no vacation, non-stop, everyday evangelism. And this is if no one else is born during that time. Amazing!
   Multiplying Discipleship is different. If we start with 1 reaching 1 and discipling that person for, say, a year…. that’s 2 (1st year ). If those 2 reach and disciple 2 more… that’s 4 (2nd year). If those 4 reach and disciple 4 others.. that’s 8 (3rd year ). Those 8 reach and disciple 8 others=16 (4th year).  Really slow, right?  Watch this…..

In 33 year is would be possible to Evangelize and Disciple over 8 billion people. The difference is Multiplying Discipleship. That doable! That is the only way it can happen. And, that is how Jesus said to do in the first place. …make disciples!

      2 Timothy 2:2 “and the things you have heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit these to faithful men, who will be able to teach others also. “
   Making disciples is the command of Jesus. Making disciples is the only way this can happen. Making disciples will change the world one person at a time.

     Now the hard question. Who are you discipling?  If you are not discipling you are not obeying. 

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